
There it goes, the winding of time. I crane my head just for a quick peek. Towards the distant empty night, my ears crave for a single word to be dropped. But as seconds, minutes and hours fall from the abyss, I can’t hear a thing, not even a pin, not even a speck of dust.

The silence is deafening, and it makes my heart beat even louder. Fear is inching closer to my toes, it’s seeps right through my body and moves into my mind like it has never before. If every fragment has just been changed. If everything will find another place in time. Then all would be nothing, a blank canvass of sullied memories and dreams.

What if life takes apart the only thing that I’ve ever cherished and loved? What if I have to push back and reclaim the photographs that will no longer hold the images of my past? It’s a silly thing to fear. It’s a stupid thing to worry and hold in denial. It’s not as if I can do anything to change this fate. It has been decided, so I will just have to wait and see another life unfold with my very eyes.

Time has stopped, and it’s taking its leap towards infinite loop. Slowly I can feel it lift a lifetime away from my soul. It’s stripping me of memories and future hopes and sweet dreams. It’s changing me and today I can feel the shift. It’s changing me and tomorrow I won’t even remember a thing.

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